When you make purchases on this website, they won’t appear by name on your credit card statement. Instead, it will show a generic, non-specific company name that doesn’t reveal the nature of your order.
All purchases are discreetly packaged in envelopes that don’t hint at the contents inside.
In this Privacy Policy, the terms ‘we’ and ‘us’ refer to our website.
How we use your information
We handle all customer data in line with the Data Protection Act 1998, and for the following purposes:
Processing your order and delivering it to your chosen address.
Addressing instances of fraud and other security concerns.
Managing repeat orders and inquiries about existing orders.
What information we collect and how
The information collected on this website includes:
Personal details you provide, such as name, address, email, and payment card information.
Data used to enhance your website experience, like cookies. Cookies remember your preferences and entered information to improve website functionality. They are small pieces of data stored on your computer, commonly used on websites. You can disable them through your browser settings.
Your IP address is logged for security purposes, helping us monitor individual website visits from different computers. All data collected on our website is secured with 128-bit encryption to ensure your information’s safety.
Other websites
This privacy policy applies solely to this website. Any other websites linked to ours have their own privacy policies, which may differ.
Your Rights
Feel free to contact us with any inquiries, whether about existing orders or new ones, via the ‘Contact Us’ page.